Friday, July 15, 2011

Last minute...Geocache and housepoint opportunities

Needless to say, it's been a little busy around here preparing for the party! 

Here are some Geocache can easily locate these on your way to the party!

HP 101:  In Godric Hallows, Harry found his parents.
N42 20.520
W088 37.115

HP 102:  Luna had a way of losing these.  (Virtual)...need to show proof you were there.  25 housepoints for the first to show me.

N42 20.533
W088 35.143

HP 103:  While attempting to depart from King's Cross station, Harry and Ron find themselves unable to enter the barrier to access Platform 9¾. With Harry, Ron conceives the idea of taking the flying Ford Anglia to Hogwarts. The plan is successful, but the Anglia loses power at the end of the journey and crashes into the (name the object).

N42 16.288
W088 33.616

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